
Monday, 28 May 2012

BBC Interview on Ultralight Hiking and Homemade Gear

Over next weekends Bank Holiday I shall be out recording a piece for BBC Radio Scotland's Out Of Doors programme. The theme is on ultralight hiking and why we often use homemade gear. Interviews are normally something I keep well away from but sometimes it's good to push yourself out of your comfort zone. I will update this post with a link to the programme once I know when it will be broadcast. All interviews are carried out on location so we will be heading out for a hike in the Lomond Hills with me carrying a standard overnight ultralight load. I never normally think about what I take on a simple overnight hike but one of the questions is likely to be how much it all weights so I thought I had better weigh it all up. For those that are interested here it is.

Looking at my list most of the major items are homemade with only baselayers, footware and waterproof jacket still branded. Baselayers are on my hit list and I already have plenty of merino patiently waiting. I've made many waterproof jackets over the years but the latest and most breathable materials are not available to the Make Your Own Gear crowd, so for now I'm stuck with the brands. Don't ever see myself having a go at footware!

Wish me luck with the interview!


The interview is available on the BBC iPlayer for the next 7 days. I recommend listening to the full program but if you want to just hear my bit then fast forward 1 hr.